Ever caught yourself daydreaming about adding a touch of magic to your Office apps? Well, hold onto your hats, because with VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office), your dreams are about to become a reality! VSTO lets developers weave custom add-ins into Microsoft Office programs like Excel, Word, and Outlook, seamlessly enhancing their capabilities. In this blog post, we’re about to embark on an exciting journey to set up your very first VSTO project and craft a simple yet powerful Excel add-in using Visual Studio.
Before We Begin:
Before diving headfirst into this adventure, let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need:
Visual Studio: Ensure you’ve got Visual Studio installed, equipped with the necessary workload for .NET desktop development. Don’t worry; if you’re missing it, you can snag it from the Microsoft website.
Microsoft Excel: Make sure you’ve got a compatible version of Excel on your machine. The specific version depends on the Excel Add-in template you opt for.
Creating Your VSTO Project, Let the Adventure Begin:
- Launch Visual Studio and navigate to File -> New -> Project.
- In the templates pane, take your pick between Visual C# or Visual Basic (depending on your coding flavor) and then Office/SharePoint.
- Under Office/SharePoint, find the VSTO Add-ins node and give it a gentle click.
- Choose the Excel Add-in template that matches your target Excel version (think “Excel 2013 and 2016 VSTO Add-in”).
- Now, it’s time to let your creativity shine! Give your project a name that screams “I’m ready for greatness” (e.g., MyFirstExcelAddIn) and hit that OK button.
- Voila! Visual Studio will conjure up a new project, complete with all the necessary files and folders to set you on your path.
Building a Simple Example: Adding a Button, Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty:
Open the ThisAddIn.vb/cs file in Visual Studio.
In the Project tab, it’s time to spice things up! Select “Add New Item,” then give a warm welcome to “Ribbon (Visual Designer).”
Now, the fun begins:
Dive into the designer, where you can either craft a brand-new ribbon tab or use the default one.
Equip yourself with a Button (found in the ‘Office Ribbon Controls’ section of the toolbox) and feel free to customize its properties to match your style.
To infuse some interactivity into your button, summon a click event handler that’s as eager as you are. Just give your button a gentle click, and behold the magic of code by just adding the messagebox line:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox("My First Amazing Addin")
End Sub
Running and Testing Your Add-in, Time to Witness the Magic:
Hit the Run button in Visual Studio and watch as Excel comes to life, now adorned with your splendid add-in.
Open a new Excel spreadsheet and keep your eyes peeled for your button, proudly on its spot on the ribbon. Give it a click, and if all went according to plan, prepare to be amazed as your message box springs to life!
Note: If Excel isn’t called right away, don’t worry. You might just need to tweak the “Start external program” setting in the Debug options of Project Properties. Let us know if you have any questions using our chat or contact page.
Congratulations! You’ve Emerged Victorious:
You’ve just etched your name in the annals of VSTO history by crafting your very first Excel add-in. But wait, there’s more to this tale! With VSTO by your side, you hold the key to a realm of boundless possibilities. From automating tasks to extending functionalities, you’re now equipped to streamline workflows and conquer new frontiers within your beloved Office applications.
Ready to Set Sail on the Next Leg of Your Adventure?
This blog post marks just the beginning of your thrilling VSTO journey. Dive deeper into the realm of possibilities by exploring our next blog installment.
Discover the full potential of VSTO add-in development and pave the way for even grander achievements in the realm of Office wizardry.
Don’t forget to also venture forth to Microsoft’s VSTO documentation and online resources for further enlightenment.

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